Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Winn Dixie Party!

Mr. Filiatrault and Mr. Folsom's Group just finished reading Because of Winn Dixie and in true Mrs. Charlton style, we had a party that mirrored the party that the characters in the book had. We also watched the movie and will be writing an essay comparing the book to the movie.

We decorated the room in the theme of "dogs" just like Opal did for her party.

I also created my own version of Littmus Lozenges.

Students tasted the strawberry, root beer and melancholy.

We call these two the Dewberry Boys from the book, but we couldn't convince them to shave their heads for the party!

We feasted on egg salad sandwiches, peanut butter sandwiches, Dump Punch and pickles just like Opal and her friends ate in the book.

We also took notes while we watched the movie.

Today we will finish the movie and start our essays tomorrow!